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BBI Solutions 前列腺特異性抗原(PSA)貨號:P117-7

英國BBI Solutions成立于1986年,是體外(wai)診斷(duan)(duan)試劑領域(yu)專業制造商,為(wei)生(sheng)命(ming)科學行業和體外(wai)診斷(duan)(duan)行業提(ti)供診斷(duan)(duan)試劑原料、標(biao)準品及技術服務(wu)(wu),現已從一家小型(xing)專業公(gong)司成長為(wei)業務(wu)(wu)生(sheng)產基地(di)橫跨三個國家的(de)大型(xing)企業。

BBI Solutions主要經營產品包括人源抗原、抗體、血清、血漿、臨床化學酶和黃金納米顆粒。

BBI Solutions人源蛋白

BBI Solutions人源蛋(dan)白是從(cong)人類血(xue)清或組織中純(chun)化所得,符合倫理法規要求;重組蛋(dan)白使用大腸桿菌和畢(bi)赤酵母表達(da)系統,在專(zhuan)業的(de)(de)實驗室(shi)中進行生(sheng)產(chan);去(qu)血(xue)清產(chan)品,可顯著消除基質效(xiao)應,提高生(sheng)物標(biao)志物的(de)(de)檢(jian)測(ce)效(xiao)果,并產(chan)生(sheng)可重復(fu)的(de)(de)標(biao)準曲線。

Prostate Specific Antigen 前(qian)列腺特異性(xing)抗(kang)原(PSA)貨號:P117-7

Free-PSA has a molecular weight of 30 kDa and a pI of 6.2-6.5, while PSA-ACT molecular weight is 90 kDa (PSA 28kDa and ACT 60-65kDa). PSA is localised in cytoplasm of prostate acinar cells, ductal epithelium and seminal fluid. PSA exists in 3 major forms; free PSA, PSA-ACT (PSA bound to Alpha-1 Antichymotrypsin) and PSA-A2M (PSA bound to Alpha-2 Macroglobulin). Serum concentration as a free to bound ratio correlates well with tumour mass and clinical stage of prostate cancer. High levels of free PSA can also be seen in serum from patients with benign hypertrophy


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