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BBI Solutions CEA Antigen (recombinant) 癌胚抗原 貨號:P824-3

英國BBI Solutions成立于1986年,是體(ti)外(wai)診(zhen)斷試劑領域專(zhuan)業(ye)制(zhi)造商(shang),為生(sheng)命科學行業(ye)和體(ti)外(wai)診(zhen)斷行業(ye)提供診(zhen)斷試劑原料、標準品(pin)及技術服務,現(xian)已從一家小型(xing)專(zhuan)業(ye)公司成(cheng)長為業(ye)務生(sheng)產基(ji)地橫跨(kua)三(san)個國家的大型(xing)企業(ye)。

BBI Solutions主要經營產品包括人源抗原、抗體、血清、血漿、臨床化學酶和黃金納米顆粒。

BBI Solutions人(ren)源蛋白(bai)

BBI Solutions人源(yuan)蛋白是從(cong)人類血清或組織(zhi)中(zhong)(zhong)純化所得,符合倫理法(fa)規要(yao)求(qiu);重(zhong)組蛋白使用大腸桿菌(jun)和(he)畢(bi)赤酵母表(biao)達系統,在專業(ye)的(de)實驗室中(zhong)(zhong)進行生(sheng)產(chan);去血清產(chan)品,可顯(xian)著消除基(ji)質效應(ying),提(ti)高生(sheng)物標志物的(de)檢測效果,并產(chan)生(sheng)可重(zhong)復的(de)標準曲線。

CEA Antigen (recombinant) 癌胚抗原  貨(huo)號:P824-3

CEA was first identified in human colon carcinoma tissue extracts and is known to play a critical role as a ligand in cancer dissemination. Elevated serum CEA is found in 17~47% of colorectal cancer patients. CEA was originally thought to be a specific marker for colon cancer but levels may also be raised in gastric, pancreatic, lung, breast and medullary thyroid carcinomas, as well as some non-neoplastic conditions such as inflammation, pancreatitis, ulcerative colitis, cirrhosis, COPD, Crohn's disease, hypothyroidism and in smokers. For this reason, it is not useful as a general cancer screening tool, but can be useful in evaluating the response to cancer treatment, to monitor metastasis of colorectal cancer to the liver and to indicate recurrence. Elevated CEA levels should return to normal after successful surgical removal of the tumour and can be used in follow up, especially of colorectal cancers. CEA elevation is known to be affected by multiple factors and it varies inversely with tumor grade; well-differentiated tumours secrete more CEA.



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