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BBI Solutions CA125 癌抗原CA125 貨號:P251-4

英國BBI Solutions成立于1986年,是(shi)體外(wai)診斷試(shi)劑領(ling)域專業制(zhi)造商(shang),為生命科(ke)學(xue)行業和(he)體外(wai)診斷行業提供(gong)診斷試(shi)劑原料、標(biao)準(zhun)品(pin)及技(ji)術服務,現已從一(yi)家(jia)小型專業公司成長為業務生產基(ji)地橫跨三個國家(jia)的大型企業。

BBI Solutions主要經營產品包括人源抗原、抗體、血清、血漿、臨床化學酶和黃金納米顆粒。

BBI Solutions人源蛋白(bai)

BBI Solutions人源蛋(dan)白是從人類(lei)血清或(huo)組(zu)織中(zhong)純化所(suo)得,符合(he)倫(lun)理法規要求;重(zhong)組(zu)蛋(dan)白使用大腸桿菌和畢赤酵母(mu)表達系統,在專業的(de)(de)實驗室中(zhong)進行生(sheng)產(chan);去血清產(chan)品,可(ke)顯著(zhu)消除基(ji)質效應,提(ti)高(gao)生(sheng)物(wu)標志物(wu)的(de)(de)檢測效果(guo),并產(chan)生(sheng)可(ke)重(zhong)復的(de)(de)標準曲線。

CA125 癌(ai)抗原CA125  貨號:P251-4

CA125 is an antigen found in ovarian cells. When the ovarian cells become cancerous raised CA125 levels are observed and are released into the bloodstream. The CA125 marker is used primarily for assessment of but also in conjunction with HE4 diagnosis of ovarian cancer. Why should you choose BBI's CA125 antigen: Sourced from a stable cell-line for supply consistency Low cross reactivity with other tumour markers Tested on multiple platforms showing excellent recovery Tried and trusted - used by key IVD companies in controls and calibrators Our production facilities allow us to offer consistent and reproducible large batch sizes up to thousands of Ku With a network of global labs and hospitals, we can access many diverse testing platforms, providing you with the exact analysis results you need We can adapt dispensations to meet your needs


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