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Hampton Research HR2-110 Crystal Screen

Hampton Research是世界權(quan)威的(de)蛋白(bai)結(jie)晶試劑(ji)與耗材的(de)生(sheng)產商,其產品應用廣泛且深(shen)受廣大用戶(hu)的(de)認可(ke)。

Crystal Screen ? Crystal Screen 2 ? Crystal Screen HT

HR2-110,Crystal Screen,10 ml, tube format

HR2-112,Crystal Screen 2,10 ml, tube format

HR2-130,Crystal Screen HT,1 ml, Deep Well block format


Primary screen for proteins, soluble peptides, nucleic acids, & water soluble small molecules

Sparse matrix additive screen


The original sparse matrix screen

Sparse matrix formula efficiently samples salts, polymers, organics, & pH

Proven effective with more than 1,000 biological macromolecules

Tube or Deep Well block format


The Crystal Screen and Crystal Screen 2 reagent kits are designed to provide a highly effective and rapid screening method for the crystallization of macromolecules. The screens are simple and practical for finding initial crystallization conditions. The initial crystallization conditions for more than 1,000 proteins, peptides, oligonucleotides, and small molecules have been determined using Crystal Screen.

A highly effective approach to overcome the exhaustive search for suitable crystallization conditions is the use of a sparse matrix method of trial conditions that is biased and selected from known crystallization conditions for macromolecules. The formulation utilized in Crystal Screen and Crystal Screen 2 evaluates 96 unique mixtures of pH, salts, polymers and organics, and their ability to promote crystal growth. 

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