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JBScreen PACT++ 1-4 CS-165 JBScreen PACT++ HTS CS-207L

Jena Bioscience在結構學研(yan)究(jiu)方(fang)面全面提(ti)供晶體篩(shai)選試劑(ji)盒、優(you)化試劑(ji)、工具和各(ge)類(lei)耗(hao)材

JBScreen PACT++ 1 CS-161

JBScreen PACT++ 2 CS-162

JBScreen PACT++ 3 CS-163

JBScreen PACT++ 4 CS-164

JBScreen PACT++ 1-4 CS-165

JBScreen PACT++ HTS CS-207L


JBScreen PACT++ is a crystallization screen facilitating systematic pH, anion- and cation testing in the presence of polyethylene glycol (PEG) based on the work of Newman et al. [1].

The 96 unique crystallization conditions combine three mini-screens in one:
1. 24-condition PEG/pH screen
2. 24-condition PEG/cation screen
3. 48-condition PEG/anion screen

This systematic approach aims to alter individual components of the crystallization conditions, i.e. pH, anions and cations, independently from the others in order to obtain more information of the precipitation behaviour of the protein.

When JBScreen PACT++ is used along with JBScreen JCSG++, systematic investigation of the precipitation behaviour of the protein can be combined with a sparse matrix screen in order to enhance the success rate of protein crystallization.

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