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Rigaku Reagents Wizard Classic 1 & 2 貨號:1009532/ 1008647

Rigaku Reagents2013收購了Emerald Bio的結晶試劑(ji)和(he)耗材業(ye)(ye)務,專業(ye)(ye)提供從基因到蛋白晶體(ti)結構研究的各(ge)種(zhong)試劑(ji)、試劑(ji)盒、塑制材及實耗驗室(shi)精細(xi)自動化。

The Wizard? Classic line of random sparse matrix screens is designed to increase your probability of producing crystals during the coarse screening phase when crystallizing biological macromolecules (proteins, nucleic acids, peptides, and combinations thereof). The Wizard Classic reagents are proven to be a highly effective starting point in the screening of biological macromolecules. The Wizard Classic formulations include a large range of crystallants, buffers, and salts covering a broad range of crystallization space at pH levels from pH 4.5 to pH 10.5. Choose from Wizard Classic 1, 2, 3, or 4 non-overlapping formulations in matrix blocks or tubes. 96-Well Block Plate formulations are 1.7 ml each in a 96 deep-well matrix block plate. Tube sets are 10 ml volumes per tube. All formulations are prepared with ASTM type-1 water and high-purity chemicals, 0.2 μm filtered in sterile packaging.

品(pin)名(ming):Wizard Classic 1 & 2


規格(ge):96 x10 ml/ tube

品名:Wizard Classic 1 & 2 


格:96 x1.7 ml/well

希凱生物是(shi)Rigaku Reagents簽約代理商,負(fu)責其在(zai)中國區的銷售與技術支持
