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SWISSCI UVXPO-SEAL UVXPO Sealing Sheets 96孔密封膜

SWISSCI 2 Lens/3 Lens坐滴結(jie)晶(jing)板(ban)

Swissci坐滴結晶板孔徑加寬,便于操作;圓錐形孔,微編號在顯微鏡下可見,便于觀察;高級聚合物具有紫外透射性,可用于區分鹽晶體和蛋白質晶體;密封性好,空間間隔寬,提供足夠的空間使膠帶密封;結構堅固,不會發生中央彎曲;長期儲存樣品也不會蒸發;容量范圍廣,樣品處理量大(儲液槽50-100μl,液滴50 nl-5μl),可用機器人進行高通量結晶;設計符合ANSI/SLAS 1-2004標準,通用性強,易于自動化操作。Midi高度為11.7mmLow Profile高度為(wei)7.75mm



品名(ming):UVXPO Sealing Sheets

SWISSCI’s UVXPO Sealing sheets are a 50 μm film with 50 μm inert encapsulated silicone adhesive. They are optically clear, with minimal to no auto-fluorescence (UV compatible), and are especially suited for protein crystallization and qPCR applications.
The encapsulated silicone adhesive is non-tacky until pressed against the sealing surface, at which time adhesive is released only in sealing areas to form the strongest available heat-resistant seal around each well on the plate.
UVXPO Sealing sheets are sized to fit within the edges of SWISCCI plates. Two end tabs assist in positioning the film on the plate, and the non-tacky adhesive surface simplifies handling.

  • High optical clarity

  • Minimal to no auto-fluorescence (UV compatible)

  • Chemically inert; no extractables except at extreme pH

  • DMSO resistant for HTS

  • Heat resistant. Recommended for temperatures from -70 °C to + 105 °C

  • Certified DNase-, RNase-, and nucleic-acid-free

  • Silicone adhesive forms the strongest available seal for evaporation prevention

  • Non-tacky adhesive layer simplifies handling of the film prior to sealing
